Quick Connect Plug
Quick Connect Plug To Hook To Power Washing Gun. A superior stainless steel quick connect to attach to power washer wand. You need 3 things to complete a thorough Restaurant Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning job. You need a 4,000 psi pressure washer, hot water and a strong professional degreasing chemical like our Grease Eater. You can start off with a state of the art 4,000 psi hot water pressure washer like the kind we sell on our MFS website or you can start with a 4,000 psi cold water pressure washer that can accept a hot water box later or that you can connect to the hot water of the restaurant. And if you had a really low budget, you can even start with just a garden hose and a garden spray gun and connect to the hot water of the restaurant. The only problem with that is that you won't have 4,000 psi and it may take you 6-7 hours to finish a job and you may also need to scrub the grease by hand to properly remove it. Also, the restaurant may use up all their hot water washing dishes and you may not have any hot water left, which cold water will make the job harder to finish. The rest of the small tools you will need can be found on our MFS shopping area atwww.exhausthoodcleaningschool.com/shop. You will receive a complete list of tools and equipment after you register as an MFS student. If you want to do 2 jobs a night and start off with a state-of-the-art hot water machine, it will cost you about (See our website for pricing) for a complete set. This does not include, however, a vehicle or trailer to hold and transport your tools and equipment. A 14' box trailer with a side door and a ramp door can run about $3,500. We also have a 3rd party equipment leasing company that can help you get financing for all your tools and equipment and trailer.