Spin Jet Duct Cleaner
6" Spin Jet with 8' jumper hose and ball valve for cleaning vertical and horizontal ducts. You cannot clean vertical or horizontal ducts without a spin jet. And you can use a 6" spin jet for any size duct. Our spin jet works by using a power washer with at least 4000 psi and 4 GPM of water. Anything less than that and it may not spin well or clean well. Once you become an MFS student, we will stay by your side as your free consultant with unlimited phone support to help you with everything you need to grow your business. Please see this link which shows more details on how we are vastly different than any other hood cleaning school in the country! Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning is a recession proof business because all restaurants across the country MUST clean their hood system periodically or the grease from the cooking builds up so much that it becomes a fire hazard to the restaurant. Thus, fire inspectors throughout the USA and Canada will inspect all commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems to make sure that they are cleaned prior to the grease build up. As long as restaurants cook food, this industry will always exist whether the economy is slow or thriving. Not only is Restaurant Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning a recession proof business and required by ALL restaurants but also the cleaner has to be a certified entity! This means that restaurants will always want your service because they can't clean it themselves!